Psalm 26:7--That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ironic Imagery

Micah 7:13--Notwithstanding the land shall be desolate because of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings.

All choices, no matter how big or small, have consequences. They will shape your life and determine your future. In the Bible, this is often depicted as reaping what you sow, or spiritual fruit (Galatians 6:7). In the above verse, it is displayed as a metaphor; "the fruit of their doings" stands for the consequences of Israel's sinful actions.

But why use a metaphor? Metaphors can be very effective, and there are several reasons they are used. Many times, they make it easier to relate an idea or concept to an audience. Micah prophesied to the common people of Israel. They would have been very familiar with the concept of farming, producing, and harvesting fruit. This metaphor made it easier for them to understand what he was communicating. Metaphors also create images, which is part of the reason they are more easily understood; but besides that, metaphors add creativity and artistry to a message or piece. While this may seem unimportant, it can add value to the message and please the audience, making them more willing to listen. This second function ties into the third, as well. Metaphors help messages stick in the minds of audiences. What are the most memorable parts of sermons, lectures, or speeches? The figurative and creative expressions. By relating a message to something more understandable and creating an image in our heads, metaphors make concepts memorable. Making your audience understand your message, be interested in it, and remember it are crucial aspects when delivering important messages, such as God's Word.

So Micah seems to have made an excellent choice in relating the message God gave him; however, his audience, Israel, had not been making wise choices. The image Micah's metaphor creates gives the idea of natural production. The farmer chooses what to produce, but the outcome is natural. Israel's desolation was not just God's judgment, though that certainly was the bulk of it. Part of their destitution was the natural consequences of their sin.

So it is with our lives. Our sin has natural consequences that are harmful and destructive. God may not have to do anything to punish us because the fruit of our sins will do it for Him.

Also associated with Micah's metaphor is irony. Isn't it odd that a nation will be desolate because they produce fruit? That seems illogical, but such is the case. This is because the fruit Micah speaks of is spiritual fruit, which reaps spiritual and physical consequences. We must remember that not all spiritual fruit is good; it can be bad. The fruit of the Spirit is always good, but if we sow to the flesh, our fruits will be corrupt (Galatians 6:8). It all depends on what we sow. It all depends on our choices.

So what fruit are you reaping in your life? What seeds are you sowing? The choice of what you sow will determine how your life goes. Do you want to live a fulfilled life pleasing to God, or a desolate life? Ask God to show you what kind of fruit you are bearing, of the flesh or of the Spirit, and pray for His Spirit to help you make the right choices.

Lastly, there is one choice that is the most crucial of all, as it determines where you will spend eternity, not just how you will live your life. This is the choice to accept or reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Have you done this? If not, your life will be nothing but desolate; you cannot bear the fruit of the Spirit because you do not have the Spirit in you. Then you will spend eternity in Hell when you die. Don't go another day without accepting Jesus' sacrifice for you. Click the Salvation tab for more information.

Thank you for reading, and God bless you as you seek to grow in Him!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post Zack !!! I've always told my own children that actions & choices carry a consequence..Keep up the good work..Luv u God Bless
